Artists Food Chain

 by Keith O'Connor   1998

Cyber-Art  Mixed

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Artists food chain :This is a fun thing. The image started life as a Lichtenstein, (Americian 2oth cent),. I got the idea that if Lichtenstein could use comic characters as the basis for artistic images  then I could use Lichtenstein as the basis for another level of artistic images. I downloaded the image and then in my paint shop pro;  using a simple computer mouse; added some coloured Pellan (Canadian 20th cent), motifs reminiscent  of his  1950's work. I then added a techno-expressionistic type swirl (one of paint shop pro's features) near centre; created some high profile tension by locating a chromatic articulation point in the upper left quadrant to create a balanced tension with the chromatic articulation point in the lower right quadrent and viola, a "Super Lichtenstein".

 K. O'Connor  images